Arts Activity Reminder: Nov 15,16

Hi All,

The Event has been created especially for you artists in mind. 
It will test your skills: introduce another form of art to some of you and most of all be fun to be part of.

So please make this a successful, fantastic event and come and enjoy.
Don’t forget to bring a friend or two if you wish.

Wishing you lots of Fun



It is time 
to jump right in and be a part 
of the ArtsTrail for 2015

Join the ArtsInc., and shape the 2015 trail
Contact Shannon Fielder, and share the success
Register from Oct 1st and enjoy the action

'Speedmaking' at the Napoleons Hall, Nov 15,16



**You are invited**
to participate in an event that highlights the extraordinary abilities of makers to produce a finely crafted object in a very short time.

VENUE: The Napoleons Hall, Colac-Ballarat Rd.,
DATE: weekend of 15,16 November
HOST: a GPArtsInc event, 
as part of the 'home is where the Hall is' project, by Regional Arts Victoria.
CONTACT: Ros Lawson, details below.

CONCEPT:There are two sections.

1.  Making special on your own or in a small group.

You may choose to  weave a basket, a scarf, a hat , shear a sheep, spin the wool, knit a garment, paint a picture, embroider a wall hanging , write a book of poems /a short story /a song or tune, sew  a dress /shirt /apron , choreograph a dance and teach it to your friends or propose your own special project.
If you choose to participate you will need to do these things;
# Work on your project in the hall or in the grounds at all times .
# Work between 9.30 – 4.00pm on Saturday and 9.30 – 3.30 on Sunday
# Be prepared to exhibit or perform your work on Sunday between 4pm – 5pm
# Elect to put your piece in a silent auction.  GPArts Inc will take 10% on any sales.
# Bring all your own equipment and materials.
# If painting or drawing work from setups or imagination. No photographs

2.  Enjoy a Collaboration in the round.
You would be working with a group of 6 makers, who would all have made a start on a particular work like the frame of a basket, or a wire shape or printed material. Over the two days individual pieces will be passed on to each member to contribute their own creativity and technical expertise to the making and finishing of the works.  All members of the group will add something to all pieces .Details about bringing of materials and equipment will be given to you on registration.

To Register: call on (03)53420745, email or post details to Rosalind Lawson, by Sep 30:

Include: Your name, email or phone number, the section you would like to take part in, and your art proposal - the materials and techniques you will use.  Also indicate if you will need help to set up equipment (power boards, lamps etc.)

Golden Plains Art Exhibition, Oct 3-5

OCTOBER 2014October 3-5, 7pm 

at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre

'Golden Plains Art Exhibition 2014'

Art displays, awards, wine and a door prize - what's not to like?

** GPArtsInc reloaded **

Well, the AGM is had (thanks to the Meredith Community Centre venue),
 was well supported (thanks to all attending members - minutes to come out soon on the email list),
with snacks to keep us keen (thanks to everyone who brought a plate),
the outgoing committee appreciated (with flowers and applause),
especially Alison Hardy, our inaugural Secretary who has worked so hard for the group in 2013-14
and the incoming committee welcomed (see details below).

Membership renewals are now due.
Please go to the **JOIN ArtsInc** tab

**Please also let the Secretary know if you have not been receiving emails from ArtsInc, 
and we will rectify that**

~Incoming Committee~
President: Rosalind Lawson (papermaker in Napoleons)
Vice President: David Dickson (sculptor in Bannockburn)
Secretary: Sharyn Marriott (painter in Teesdale)
Assistant Secretary: Rosslyn Bosnar (painter in Bannockburn)
Treasurer & Social Media: Sonya Macdonald (bookbinder in Napoleons)

~ We look forward to another great year with arty goodness for all ~

GPArtsInc Annual General Meeting

** The GPArtsInc Annual General Meeting is on TONIGHT**

Meredith Community Centre
Tuesday 2nd September
bring a plate ;)

Positions elected, updates on 2015 Trail, 
laughs, cuppa and share supper


You are all invited to a FREE volunteer training session right here in Golden Plains.
This workshop will provide some practical ‘hands on’ advice to ensure your next event goes exactly to plan. Hear from some experienced event organisers as they recount their experiences, the issues they encountered and how they successfully overcame them.

Dates and locations:
• Monday 1 September at Bannockburn Cultural Centre, 27 High Street, Bannockburn
• Wednesday 3 September at The Well, Smythesdale Business, Health and Community Hub, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale
Elaine Kellett, Community Events Officer, Golden Plains Shire Council
Cost: FREE
Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm
Catering: A light supper will be provided

It is essential that you register for this session by COB Wednesday 27 August to confirm your place by contacting Paul Owen on 5220 7220 or email

PS - This little volunteer peep went to the last session run by this group and was very impressed - great practical style of training and very useful information

**ContainART is coming to Napoleons**

~Ballarat's newest mobile gallery~
The most accessible and local that Art can get.

at Napoleons General Store


Meredith Community Centre
Tuesday 2nd September
bring a plate ;)

Positions elected, updates on 2015 Trail, 
laughs, cuppa and share supper

ArtsInc on twitter

Golden Plains Arts Inc is in the twittersphere:

If twitter is your thing, follow us for news 
and to share your creative projects and goings-on.
Use the hashtag:


(If you were connected to the GoldenPlainsArts twitter before, 
then it will change over automatically.)

Great training opportunity for volunteers

~ Volunteer Management ~
'Work smarter, not harder'

A wonderful opportunity is presented by the Golden Plains Shire 
for free volunteer training that can help every group get the most out of their time together and avoid the 'overworked few' sydrome.  All ArtsInc members and anyone else volunteering in a Golden Plains community group are encourged to join in.

Get in quick - this one will fill up fast.
Date: Wednesday 13 August
Cost: FREE
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: The Well, Smythesdale Business, Health and Community Hub, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale
Catering: A light supper will be provided

Getting a positive contribution out of your members will be the most important thing you can do as a leader in your organisation. Where do you start? What works? What doesn’t? Who is responsible? Come along to get some tips that will help lighten your work load and engage those around you.

To RSVP please contact Paul Owen on 5220 7220 or email by Friday 8 August 2014 to confirm your place.

new Banno market for creative folks

Be amongst your people in Bannockburn, with this new Creators&Craft market opportunity.
Expressions of interest sought - deadline for enquiries is the end of September, 2014.

ArtsInc meet tonight

  Tonight, Tuesday July 1st,  there is a meeting of the ArtsInc group,
at the Meredith Community Centre at 7pm. 
This is your chance as an artist to have a say on events and arty goings-on in the shire.
~Come along and get excited
about how artists and art-lovers like you can be 
active in the shire in 2014/15~
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch: 

Rosalind Lawson
ArtsInc. President
by email at


Shannon FielderCommunity  Development Officer - Arts and CultureGolden Plains Shire Council
03 5220 7212


It is with great pleasure we advise you that the Arts Trail will be on again in 2015! Planning will begin in the next month so please have a think about how you might like to contribute or be involved. 

 Golden Plains Shire Council has also reaffirmed it's commitment to achieving the goals of the Arts and Culture Strategy in our region, with the best endorsement one can hope for - budget allocation - yippee!! 
 Thank you, Golden Plains shire.  XX

The budget is a public document and you are able to view it on Council’s website, here.

The ArtsInc. look forward to working with you all to continue our commitment to making the Golden Plains an artistic and cultural hub. 

ARTSinc visual & performing opportunity in Bannockburn

Visual and Performing art will be on show in Bannockburn - all ArtsInc members are encouraged to be a part of it. 

Arts Inc. is organising  a display of works at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre in September entitled Miscellany and as such are putting out a call to all Artists who would be interested in participating in this exhibition of works. As there is limited space there will be a limit of two pieces of work per Artist.

We really want performing artists there too at specific times during the exhibition but as the ArtsInc. database currently only has visual artists we would appreciate anyone who knows performing artists to ask if they would be interested and/or pass their contact details directly on to Rosalind, the President of the Inc. (contact details below).

If you are interested in being considered for this event, please contact Rosalind by email at rosalind[at] as soon as possible.

If you are not currently a member of the Inc. - no hassle - you can join up quick as a flash for just $10 for the year. Just see the *join ArtsInc* page from this blog, or email the Secretary, Alison at ahardy0[at]

Confirmation of the exhibition details, performance times and when works can be dropped off and picked up will be given once we have finalised the arrangements.

GP Arts Inc. Meeting tonight..All Welcome

Artist's and Arts enthusiasts of the Golden Plains are invited to the Meredith Community Centre TONIGHT at 7pm for a meeting of GP Arts Inc.  You do not need to be an artist to join, just have an interest in the arts and culture.  Come along for your chance to connect with like minded individuals and help shape the future of the Arts Trail and other arts and culture events in the Golden Plains.

What's a hashtag? #gpartstrail2014

The official hashtag for this event is:

"What's a hashtag? What's it for?"  I hear you ask..
A hashtag is a searchable link that you can use across many Social Media networks and platforms - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, blogfeeds...
to find a topic of interest to you, and all posts, photos, comments etc that people have made with that tag attached.  It is like a marker that you can use to track an event, an interest, a topic, or what ever you'd like other people to find if they search for it.
Anyone can make and include a hashtag and they can include numbers and letters, but no punctuation marks - just remember to start it with # and don't use any spaces in the words that follow, for example..
#GoldenPlainsShire    #GPArtsInc    #AustralianArtsEvents
(I just made that last one up now - woohoo)
Why not try searching our official hashtag for the Arts Trail when you are next in Facebook, Twitter etc., and don't forget to add it to YOUR photos, comments, post, questions etc. too, to join in the conversation.