ArtsInc on twitter

Golden Plains Arts Inc is in the twittersphere:

If twitter is your thing, follow us for news 
and to share your creative projects and goings-on.
Use the hashtag:


(If you were connected to the GoldenPlainsArts twitter before, 
then it will change over automatically.)

Great training opportunity for volunteers

~ Volunteer Management ~
'Work smarter, not harder'

A wonderful opportunity is presented by the Golden Plains Shire 
for free volunteer training that can help every group get the most out of their time together and avoid the 'overworked few' sydrome.  All ArtsInc members and anyone else volunteering in a Golden Plains community group are encourged to join in.

Get in quick - this one will fill up fast.
Date: Wednesday 13 August
Cost: FREE
Time: 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Location: The Well, Smythesdale Business, Health and Community Hub, 19 Heales Street, Smythesdale
Catering: A light supper will be provided

Getting a positive contribution out of your members will be the most important thing you can do as a leader in your organisation. Where do you start? What works? What doesn’t? Who is responsible? Come along to get some tips that will help lighten your work load and engage those around you.

To RSVP please contact Paul Owen on 5220 7220 or email by Friday 8 August 2014 to confirm your place.

new Banno market for creative folks

Be amongst your people in Bannockburn, with this new Creators&Craft market opportunity.
Expressions of interest sought - deadline for enquiries is the end of September, 2014.