Want to be a part of the ArtsTrail,
but need help with the application?
Come to the HELP DAY
Saturday, Oct 19th
Bannockburn Cultural Centre

**Calling all artists and Golden Plains peeps**

We really need your help.
This next ArtsTrail is going to be so awesome, it's a head-spin.
The benefits to our Golden Plains community, local artists and local traders are immense:
-promotion of our outstanding region-
-sharing of our secret artists' heaven environment-
-showing off our talents, healthy living and community spirit-
It's a big job getting ready, but it's worth every bit, and we need you to make it
the success we enjoy every time the ArtsTrail happens.

~GETTING ALL OUR FLAGS IN A ROW~ Trail planning in progress

This Wednesday the 11th of September there is a planning meeting for the Arts Trail 2014
at the Meredith Community Centre at 7pm. 
This is your chance as an artist to have a say in how this and future arts trails will be run.
The planning group will be assigned various roles to support the implementation of the next trail.  It's about getting all our 'flags in a row' and ready for March.
~Come along and get excited
about how artists like you can get more
out of the Trail in 2014~
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch: 
Shannon Fielder
Community Development Officer - Arts and Culture
Golden Plains Shire Council
03 5220 7212

SAVE THE DATE ~ Golden Plains Arts Trail in March 2014

Golden Plains Shire Council is pleased to announce that the next Arts Trail will be held on the 15th and 16th of March 2014.  Artists who wish to participate can download an application form at www.artstrail.com.au Applications are open now and close on October 25.

Those interested in playing a role in the organisation of the event are encouraged to attend the AGM of Golden Plains Arts Inc. on Tuesday 20th of August from 7pm at the Meredith Community Centre.  The organising committee for the Arts Trail will be nominated and a variety of roles assigned on the night.  For more information contact arts@gplains.vic.gov.au

Golden Plains Arts Trail Blog is taking a break..

Golden Plains Shire Council in partnership with Golden Plains Arts Inc and the community are looking to run another Arts Trail in March 2014.  As such, new content for this blog will not be published until later this year when there is certainty about when the next Arts Trail will be run.  Thank you for your patience - Watch this space!