ArtsInc meet tonight

  Tonight, Tuesday July 1st,  there is a meeting of the ArtsInc group,
at the Meredith Community Centre at 7pm. 
This is your chance as an artist to have a say on events and arty goings-on in the shire.
~Come along and get excited
about how artists and art-lovers like you can be 
active in the shire in 2014/15~
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to get in touch: 

Rosalind Lawson
ArtsInc. President
by email at


Shannon FielderCommunity  Development Officer - Arts and CultureGolden Plains Shire Council
03 5220 7212


It is with great pleasure we advise you that the Arts Trail will be on again in 2015! Planning will begin in the next month so please have a think about how you might like to contribute or be involved. 

 Golden Plains Shire Council has also reaffirmed it's commitment to achieving the goals of the Arts and Culture Strategy in our region, with the best endorsement one can hope for - budget allocation - yippee!! 
 Thank you, Golden Plains shire.  XX

The budget is a public document and you are able to view it on Council’s website, here.

The ArtsInc. look forward to working with you all to continue our commitment to making the Golden Plains an artistic and cultural hub. 

ARTSinc visual & performing opportunity in Bannockburn

Visual and Performing art will be on show in Bannockburn - all ArtsInc members are encouraged to be a part of it. 

Arts Inc. is organising  a display of works at the Bannockburn Cultural Centre in September entitled Miscellany and as such are putting out a call to all Artists who would be interested in participating in this exhibition of works. As there is limited space there will be a limit of two pieces of work per Artist.

We really want performing artists there too at specific times during the exhibition but as the ArtsInc. database currently only has visual artists we would appreciate anyone who knows performing artists to ask if they would be interested and/or pass their contact details directly on to Rosalind, the President of the Inc. (contact details below).

If you are interested in being considered for this event, please contact Rosalind by email at rosalind[at] as soon as possible.

If you are not currently a member of the Inc. - no hassle - you can join up quick as a flash for just $10 for the year. Just see the *join ArtsInc* page from this blog, or email the Secretary, Alison at ahardy0[at]

Confirmation of the exhibition details, performance times and when works can be dropped off and picked up will be given once we have finalised the arrangements.